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Do you wonder sometimes what does CBD feel like? Well, the experience of being high with a bong, edible, or joint is a thing of legend. And all of us do know somebody that had tried THC at least once in their lifetime. But the experience of CBD is completely different from it. Here we shall discuss the same!
What Does CBD Feel Like: Are CBD products new?
Well, the CBD products can be considered new enough that average people on the street are not aware of its effects. There are CBD gummies and CBD tinctures as well which are even newer products when we talk about CBD product range. This can be nerve-wracking for the people that are trying CBD on their own. Most people don’t want to take a health risk by consuming products that they haven’t tried before.
Here we have a detailed guide that includes expert information and tips for putting your mind at ease. In this blog, we shall not only discuss what does CBD feel like but also the if you can get high with it, and the right dosage that one must begin with.
What Is CBD?
When we put it in simpler terms, this is short for cannabidiol. That is specifically a kind of cannabinoid. The cannabinoids are mainly chemical compounds that are unique to the marijuana (cannabis) plant. Some of the other cannabinoids include:
The surprising thing about CBD and all cannabinoids is that when one ingests it, rubs it on the skin, or inhales it there is an interaction between the neurons. This results in remarkable effects that occur in our brains.
Now, this takes us back to the main question, “What Does CBD Feel Like?”
Before we come to the answer, we must solve any lingering confusion that you might have about what CBD does NOT feel like!
Is CBD going to make you feel high?
NO. CBD is not going to make you high. Remember that none of the CBD products be it oil, patch, or pill should be giving you the psychedelic kick. Smart readers are going to notice that we have used the word “should” in the sentence before. Some of the products that are the whole plant, do have a huge range of cannabinoids in them apart from CBD. These products might also contain THC and depending on the dosage that one consumes, it can make you feel slightly strange.
You might not have this effect of being completely high. But the effect will surely be different from the CBD extract that is pure. For protecting yourself from the accidental high, make sure that you are reading the product label well before you go ahead with your purchase.
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What Does CBD Feel Like?
One of the major reasons as to why we love the cannabis plant is that it’s designed specifically for making us feel great in varied ways. For highlighting the facts that can help us understand What does CBD feel like, we have divided the section into two parts:
- Advantages of CBD.
- CBD Side Effects.
The category of advantages has the list of all the good feelings that you will experience while you have a CBD product. Then the CBD side effects will let you know some slightly down feelings that one can experience. Although, those are not that bad and you can be completely relaxed.
Things you must know before you take CBD:
As every individual’s body is different when taking CBD each person might experience a bit of a different response. You will be learning soon that CBD mainly works on the Endocannabinoid system of the body. This helps in maintaining the stability and wellness overall. Therefore the effect that you shall be experiencing will be personalized and depending on what goes on internally.
The results are based mainly on the dosage and frequency of CBD consumption. Here are a few things that you must be aware of in the meantime in regards to CBD:
1. Plant complexes work together in a better way:
CBD is amongst the 80 cannabinoids that are extracted from the hemp plant. Scientists have found that these plant complexes do work better in the body when there is more than one. This is also called as the Entourage effect. This makes a huge part of why people should be choosing a full spectrum product over others. Because the research says that the use of the whole plant will be maximizing the benefits in the body, you must go for such products for maximum benefits.
2. CBD does not get you high:
The main active ingredient in cannabis sativa called THC does have an intoxicating effect and is known as a psychoactive compound. This means that you will get the feeling of being “high”. CBD is also found in the cannabis sativa plant but this is a non-intoxicating compound. Therefore you won’t be getting high when CBD is in your system. Usually, the CDB products must not have more than 0.3 percent of THC in them.
What Does CBD Feel Like: Advantages of CBD?
Here are some of the major advantages that you will feel when you consume CBD oil:
1. Relaxation:
So CBD interacts with the body and brain in a manner that it can make you feel calm and relaxed. This is especially helpful when you are facing high-stress situations. This is great news for people that can’t handle the stress and this might impact the sleeping pattern. CBD will help you in falling asleep quicker and also you will be refreshed when you wake up the next morning.
2. Low Nausea and improved appetite:
If your stomach is upset or you feel nausea then CBD can help you with that as well. It can reduce nausea and certainly will be making you feel a bit better. Another great benefit is that your appetite will increase.
People that are undergoing the treatment for cancer, do suffer from loss of appetite. This happens due to the constant feeling of nausea, and the result that this produces can become a huge problem. CBD can help by making sure that things do get back to normal.
3. Helps with swelling and acute pain:
In case you are suffering from any kind of swelling or pain, CBD is helpful. The pain can be due to menstrual cramps, arthritis, psoriasis, headaches, sore muscle, or dermatitis. You can be sure that CBD will help you to feel better.
CBD has been known for its analgesic properties. This is why CBD topical creams are gaining popularity as each day goes by.
4. You are in a better mood:
With the correct dosage of CBD, one can observe improvement in their moods. There are no overwhelming side effects that are usually seen with the antidepressant that one takes. For people that had been suffering from OCD, PTSD, depression, psychosis, ADHD, and some other mental disorder, CBD will bring improvement in your condition and quickly.
5. Lowers anxiety:
Anxiety is of varied forms, and this does have an impact on life and can make it worse. CBD helps with reducing anxiety. Also, the situations that usually trigger anxiety in you will make you at more ease than before.
When people ask “What does CBD feel like?” about the anxiety we have the answer for you. Some of the users have said that the triggers that used to cause anxiety attacks before, doesn’t affect any longer. They can also recognize the trigger irrationalities and let it go, instead of constantly thinking about it.
6. Better Focus:
CBD enhances the focus and helps in avoiding distractions of any kind. The office workers that take CBD for fixing the issues say that they can focus better. This means that they can block any kind of other distractions that might in the working environment. This leads to improved productivity and job satisfaction that comes with is welcomed with a smile.
7. Can improve blood sugar level:
Diabetes is one of the epidemics that affect millions of people around the world each year. The stress can be seen in everything that one does. CBD can assist with regularizing the blood sugar level. This makes dealing with diabetes a bit easy. And “What Does CBD Feel Like to people suffering from diabetes?” The answer is it feels amazing!
But this is not the complete story. There are some side effects of CBD as well. You should be aware of them before you start taking any CBD product.
CBD Side Effects
Although rare, there are some side effects that people can experience when they use CBD. Here are the details for you:
1. Dry Mouth:
This is amongst the most common side effect that people observe with CBD usage. But we are living in a world of medicines, and that have a lot worse side effects than the health issue itself. So if you experience dry mouth with the use of CBD, make sure that you drink lots of water. This will make sure that you are well hydrated and don’t have this side effect.
2. Interaction with other medicines:
Now, this is one thing that you need to be careful about. If you are on any kind of medication currently then make sure that you consult your doctor first. CDB tends to interfere with the liver’s capacity for processing other medicine. So in case you are taking a medicine for the heart and start taking CBD for blood sugar control then it might do more harm than good.
3. Biphasic characteristic:
The meaning of biphasic is that CBD low dosage has a certain effect, and then the high dosage can result in some other different effects. Let me make this simpler for you. For instance, take alcohol. Now when you have this in a low amount, it works as a stimulant. But with higher levels, this can be a depressant.
Can one overdose with CBD?
Technically, one can have too much of CBD. Just like one can have too much water, but then most people don’t do that either.
So usually a high dosage of CBD can be of around 50,000 mg range. It’s about having pure CBD of around 33 tablespoons.
Now think of this! An average made of 180 pounds that suffers from extreme pain, only requires 25 mg (1/8th of a teaspoon) for having the relief. This is a huge gap from the 50000 mg. And also then, the side effects of this amount might not be too bad. One of the CBD users had said that its not more than having extreme drowsiness.
Don’t get us wrong! We are not saying that it is fine to have extreme amounts of CBD, just for the sake of it. We are saying that you don’t need to be too afraid, of initiating CBD usage. It’s best to read the label and you will be completely safe.
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What CBD dosage should you begin with?
We highly recommend that when you start with a CBD (or a THC) product, always start with the lowest dosage. Then you can slowly increase the dosage over time. The least strength product is also pocket friendly. And unlike some of the medications out there, you don’t need to keep increasing the dosage with time. So if you have figured out a specific dosage that gives you relief from the condition you are dealing with, you can keep taking that. Of course one can adjust that as per the requirement.
In case you are feeling any kind of discomfort, immediately decrease the dosage. Also, CBD is not addictive so you can stop whenever you want to.
Is CBD Legal?
Let’s begin, Yes!! CBD is legal in most of the states. Usually, CBD oil has THC in 0.3 percent or a lesser amount of THC. This is the legal limit that has been classified for hemp products. CBD is also one of the active ingredients of the medicine for epilepsy, that has been FDA approved. CBD oil is known for its healing properties and better than THC.
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What does CBD feel like? Try it for yourself:
We will say that if you have CBD products available in your area, you must try it. You won’t get high, and the probability of experiencing any kind of side effects is extremely low.
All that you know, is it can help you in dealing with some health issues and make life easier. It can also improve the overall health in case you are completely fine.
What does CBD feel like? Our final words:
One of the most important things that you want to know is how exactly CBD will make you feel. In case you are suffering from any of the health issues that we mentioned, you should try good quality CBD oil. This might not be “The Cure” for everything, but the odds are surely in your favor. You might be suffering from insomnia, anxiety, depression, or pain, and CBD can be the best thing to add in your routine.
Please make sure that you consult your doctor and do as much research as you can. This will help you to know how CBD can work or you and what is the right dosage that would work best for you?

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