Does Insurance Cover CBD Oil?

Insurance Cover CBD Oil


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We are sure that often in your mind, you must have a question that Does Insurance Cover CBD Oil? Well, you are not alone. As with time more and more research is being done on the benefits of CBD oil, people looking for natural alternatives are turning towards it. It is established now that CBD oil can help with reliving alleviated pain, anxiety and help improve depression symptoms.

Does Insurance Cover CBD Oil?

While several scientific studies have also backed up the claims regarding it, a lot of people have also started the use. Although, the high price of CBD products is of concern. A lot of people go for cheaper CBD products and eventually feel that It didn’t work for them. There are products with very low cannabidiol dosage that will be insufficient for producing the health benefits that one had been looking for.

Because of the high cost of CBD oil, people do end up asking the doctors Does Insurance Cover CBD Oil. In this blog, we shall be exploring if or not the medical insurance plans do cover CBD oil and also look at some options that are presently available.

Does Insurance Cover CBD Oil? Are They Going To Pay For It?

It’s not just the average customer that becomes aware of the CBD oil health benefits right now. Some of the physicians also have started to notice that a lot of improvement in patient’s symptoms is observed. This holds for varied ailments. The products are made after a lot of scientific research after the claims on medicinal properties it yields. Also, no side effect is seen in most of the patients. With this, the doctors also have started to recommend CBD oil as a treatment. Often CD oil is used with the combination of conventional medications. And these medical practitioners do get asked by the patients if the health insurance will be covering it.

Unfortunately, the answer to this question right now is NO. There is presently no health insurance company in the U.S.A that will be covering CBD oil. This even holds for medical marijuana. Even though you get prescribed for you by the doctor, you can’t make a claim. The health insurance will not be covering the cost if the patient gives over the prescription to the dispensary.

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What is the reason for Insurance companies not covering CBD oil cost?

Although many pieces of evidence are regarding the CBD oil medical use. And the doctors have started prescribing the CBD oil to some patients the health insurance plan does not cover the cost. This also puts up a question in why especially when several other pharmaceutical medicines are being covered with similar or higher costs.

Zatural free sampleThere are major, 2 obstacles that prevent Health Insurance companies from offering to cover CBD oil.

  1. The first obstacle being that the United States FDA (Food and Drug Administration)/ Whenever any new drug comes to the market, it has to get approval from the FDA. This has to be done before the doctors start prescribing it legally to the patient. The FDA also has its focus on pharmaceutical products and has less interest in the products that are majorly naturally sourced. Therefore, CBD products don’t get the approval and the health companies don’t have the obligation to cover it. As per the law, the health insurance company only has to offer coverage that is FDA approved. Presently FDA approval has been given to only the CBD drug that is used for treating a specific rare kind of epilepsy.
  2. The second obstacle with the insurance cover for CBD oil is that these are classified as schedule 1 controlled substances. The classification is mainly applied to marijuana. But the U.S. state law says that any of the products made that contains cannabidiol compound that’s found in marijuana will all be falling under the same category. Now cannabidiol is also an active chemical that can be found in the marijuana and hemp plant. Although hemp is legal in most of the states and this is the plant that is used for CBD oil production, it does contain cannabidiol compounds similar to that of marijuana, and therefore the classification remains the same.

What option does the patient have?

For the moment, people that are looking forward to having CBD oil for the medicinal property has to pay from their pocket. Presently, there is no financial aid for patients that are looking for having CBD oil for any health reasons. Even if they have a doctor’s prescription there is no cost coverage.

Mainly this is the reason, why the consumers have been advised for being cautious about purchasing CBD oil. The quality products can go over $ 100 and there are reports that some of the brands had been advertising CBD products that in reality had little or no CBD in the solution.

Therefore do your research well. Make sure that the CBD product that you purchase comes from a reputed brand. Take a look at the ratings and reviews online so that brand authenticity is examined well.

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Does Insurance Cover CBD Oil: What future might hold?

Although currently, there is no health coverage provided by the company on CBD oil cost, that doesn’t mean there won’t ever be such coverage. As there is rapid scientific research being done on the way CBD oil can be beneficial in treating pain, anxiety, depression, acne, and inflammation with time FDA might consider reviewing all of the products in the future.

Also, there can be changes in the classification of compounds. This can eventually lead to insurance companies realizing that CBD oil does have a potential benefit for patients.


CBD oil medical properties have gained immense popularity. The doctors have started prescribing CBD oil for being a safer way to manage diseases and symptoms related. Although scientific data are coming in that can claim these CBD oil, health insurance company currently is not ready for patients paying for this. But we can see the companies coming around for providing coverage to people in the future.


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